Sunday, April 4, 2010

Government spending out of hand!

Alright, so we all know that government has MANY problems, some more problematic than others. For years I have been fascinated/ concerned by national spending. Now though, it has reached a whole new level of crazy. The government spending is getting out of control! I watched the debt clock for about a minute and I was literally sick watching it. The debt goes up every second! It makes me nervous, and question what is to come for our nation. Recently, the spending has gotten worse a lot quicker than past years. Since Obama has taken office, the debt has risen 2 trillion dollars, from $10.6 trillion to $12.6 trillion. Of course, the Bush administration has spent more than any other administration ever. Thank you Bush for leaving us with something to remind us of your mark in history. However, Obama has spent 2 trillion in a little over a year and Bush spent that much in 4 years. It is scary how much we owe, it has been said that, "divided out, each American bears a $40,000 share of the country's tab." It is estimated that by the year 2020, the debt will reach $25 trillion! The debt soon will soon reach over 100 percent of the national economy. I know that Obama is trying to reduce debt by setting up a bipartisan National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and reform. He also claims that the health care reform will help reduce debt over the years. But, we need to do a lot more than that if were going to change anything. Obviously, to help the problem, we would have to cut spending and hike up taxes. The debt is really going to screw us and future generations to come. If politicians don't start taking this seriously, we will hit rock bottom real fast. However, I feel like we are already screwed. I feel like it would take nothing short of a miracle to help us crawl out of this grave we have dug ourselves.

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