Thursday, March 11, 2010

Artificially Stupid?

So I came across an article called, "Artificial Stupidy," on the National Review. The title intrigue me to read it. It was written by Thomas Sowell, he is an American economist, social and political commentator. He has written several books and recieved several awards for his achievements. He has extensive background in politics. His blog is on a conservative website so his audience is probably them and everybody else who cares about education and being knowledgeable.
The article addresses how our education system is failing us, because we are being taught what to think, NOT how to think. The article starts off with a woman who had made a petition to ban dihydroxymonoxide, claiming "it was in our lakes and streams, and now it was in our sweat and urine and tears." She somehow collected hundreds of signatures from that statement, yet that word meant water in simpler terms. This story showed how conditioned we are and how much groupthink occurs. He claims that, "the American education system focuses more on politically correct crusades than intellectually correct arguments." "Much of the stupidity we see today is induced by our educational system, from the elementary schools to the universities." It states that we take action, when only hearing one side of the story, not both. We have not been taught how to test out one set of ideas against another. Since our lack in education, our mind capacity is not capable to weigh out other opposing views. Basically, what he is saying is that we are ignorant when it comes to seeing the big picture, and I concur. I have to say that this was a good article, and it started off with an example with the petition of water, which was great because it showed our ignorance as humans. It helped build the base of his story. I have to agree with him for the most part. Most teachers and educators today do teach us how to think and what to think, instead of "expanding our horizons." I think a lot of people are not able to defend both sides or weigh out opposing views. We do lack that ability to see the whole picture and then take action. I do think our education system has a lot of improvements to do!

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