Monday, April 19, 2010


Abortion has always been controversial and heated, on one side there is pro-life and the other pro-choice. Pro-choice is the belief of one of my fellow classmates, Megan. Although, I respect Megan's opinion and ideas on abortion, I have to disagree with her stand on it. Yes, I believe it's a person's choice to have sex, but not the choice to take a life (unless there are bad circumstances). And yes it's a live! Only four weeks after conception, the baby's heart is pumping blood. This is around the time most people find out they're pregnant.

When one decides to participate in having sex, then they are taking on the responsbilities that come along with it. Pregnancy is absolutely preventable, but I know accidents still happen. Although, when an accident does occur, its usually because they were not being careful, either by not wearing a condom or not using birth control. Megan says,"The last thing our country needs is more unwanted babies, or babies that are brought into this world in a non-loving family, or a family that doesn't have the means to take care of them." To this I would like to say, THEN DON'T HAVE SEX! Seriously, when you decide to make adult decisions, you have to prepare to deal with adult consequences. People don't have the right to take an innocent life, just because they don't feel like taking responsibilty. Also, if you sincerely cannot take care of the child, then put him/her up for adoption. I know it's not black or white always and there are circumstances that might make it difficult keeping a child. She also, argues that government is taking away peoples rights little by little, and they have no right to take away that choice. This is what government does, it regulates. She argues that her not wanting to pay for the health care reform is the same as people who are against abortion and not wanting to pay taxes to fund it. These are completely two different comparisons. One is dealing with killing an unborn child and the other has to do with health insurance. Really? She then asks the question, "why should government mandate our bodies?" Well, it's not just our bodies, it's potentially another human being in this world, you are trying to get rid of. Who is anybody to say whether or not a person should live or not! Definitely not us! Will anyone win the war on abortion? Who knows. Until then, we will just keep debating it.

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