Friday, May 14, 2010

Obesity is it our faults?

In Kelly’s blog, “Overwhelming Oppositions of Obesity,” she made great valid points and arguments on America’s weight problem. In her blog it states that two-thirds of the population is overweight and one-third is considered obese. I completely agree with Kelly, it definitely has gotten to the point where something needs to be done, taking in account that more than half of America is unhealthy. The side effects she mentions can be life threatening as well as prone to bullying, which we all know is true. It's no surprise that being obese leads to many health problems, it makes one more at risk for strokes, heart disease, and diabetes. I personally see bullying on both sides due to the overweight factor. Kelly also talks about America’s obsession to be thin and perfect, and that it is our own fault for the way we look. I agree for the most part with that statement, but there are also other contributing factors. On it explains that obesity is a very complex thing, genes is one of the top reasons in weight problems. Researcher Professor Philippe Froguel says that the gene, GAD2 may be responsible for obesity in 1 in 10 people. There are two types of GAD2, one that protects against obesity and the other one doesn’t. Diseases, drugs, and thyroid problems also can be other factors for being overweight. At the same time, America is over eating processed foods which makes all of the difference with being at a healthy weight and an unhealthy weight. There are steps we can take to make our population a more healthy one, and that first step is eating better.

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