Monday, February 15, 2010

Schools in America

The article, "A Quick Fix for America's Worst Schools," is a good article because it gives notice to our nation's lousy school systems and what is being done for them. I think it comes to no surprise to anyone that we are NOT ranked best in education in the world. This article talks about Philadelphia's most troubled schools and its turn around in the past couple of years. In particular, Shoemaker, one of the schools, had very poor academics and the kids ruled the school. They had a new plan which didn't involve getting rid of the students but the staff. Since, the Bush administration created NCLB (No Child Left Behind), the education law requires every school to report whether it makes "adequate yearly process" which in return helps keep a record of the progress or decline schools are making. Now, the Obama administration has a plan, which involves 5,000 of the worst schools and giving them 4 billion dollars over the next 3 years. Since 2006 and its plan, Shoemaker has overcome academics and behavioral issues. Due to all new staff and policies, test scores has risen and students attitudes have changed. However, it does mention that they don't know whether all these plans will work or not but the money and desire are both there. Well, we will find out in the years to come whether our school systems here in America will approve and lets hope they do.